Blast and Cast!!!

Guaranteed Ducks!!!
Daily Rates for Guided Duck Hunts
Pricing Per Boat
2 Hunters $700.00
3 Hunters $800.00
Bring your Personal Shotgun
Ammo Shot #2, #3, #4Recommended
Non-Toxic Shotgun Shells (Steel, Bismuth, Tungsten, Heavy Shot, Etc.) "No Lead"
Hunting License, Louisiana State Duck Stamp, Federal Duck Stamp
Camouflage, Dark Green or Brown Clothing
Hunting Boots, Rain Gear
Snacks and Drinks
Duck Hunt and Fish in the Same Day!!!

6 Gray Ducks Limited Out!!!
Louisiana is now regarded as the last frontier of truly unbelievable locations for duck hunting. The beautiful Mississippi River Delta Fly way provides the perfect habitat to attract thousands of ducks back to the area year after year. The Delta provides a home to the largest number of species of ducks during September to January, which makes every hunt exciting, you never know what you will be shooting at next. On your hunt in Hopedale area, you will get the opportunity to bag Gadwall, Green and Blue Winged Teal, Mottle Ducks, Pintail, Wigeon, , Mallards, Shovelers, Red Heads, Canvasbacks, and Scaup.
Cash or Credit Cards Accepted for Lodging and Charters
Call for Details
Check OUT Time is 1:00 PM
Check IN Time is 3:00 PM

Guaranteed Ducks!!!
Wanted Captain Dude!!!